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Unlike most self- employment programmes currently available, the Explore Programme positions itself as a bespoke programme with no set criteria for the participant to meet.


Unlike most self- employment programmes currently available, the Explore Programme positions itself as a bespoke programme with no set criteria for the participant to meet.


This allows for a wider window of opportunity for those who do not fit with current programmes or provision.


Our offer is available to;

Those who wish to explore moving into self- employment as an option to moving onto a different career path but wants to know more before taking the leap!


They may be…


  • A previous employee who left the workforce and is looking to do something different

  • An individual who is thinking of self-employment but is curious to know more before making the decision

  • Someone who has a skill or talent but needs the confidence to take the next step

  • May be moving back into the world of work but need flexibility and a motivation boost to encourage that next step.

  • Living with a health condition that limits an opportunity to meet employer requirements

  • Has never thought of self-employment as an option

  • Has retired but now wants to re-join the labour market with a skill or talent


There are some key pieces of information to understand before making the decision to become self-employed, our Explore Programme gives the participant the opportunity to;

Attend a short workshop to understand what self- employment means and whether it is right for them.


If they then decide it is and want to progress then we then take them on a short course to set them up for success, showing how to budget and plan and understand what being fully self- sufficient means, building confidence and developing key core skills to set you up for success.


This is not a start -up programme, and does not link into other provision such as Restart, JETS or similar, the participant will benefit from knowledge and experience from business owners but also develop interpersonal skills to move forward with understanding, confidence, self- belief and new skills to make those all- important informed decisions.


The funding model is a simple and transparent process;


Element 1 - will be funded through FSF direct payment


Element 2 – Through LVP as there will be job outcomes attached to the programme.


Also can be purchased through the DPS framework.


This programme is not supported through any current AEB provision due to the tailoring and specialism of the content.


Cohort sizes are maximum 20 for Element 1 and 12 for element 2

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